Tonia DeCosimo
3 min readDec 13, 2021

Wondering if you are on the right path or headed in the right direction can be one of those thinks that pops into your mind late at night when you can’t sleep. It can cause panic, confusion, and anxiety. It doesn’t seem to surface when everything is going right. When life is going smoothly you are at ease and things just seem to flow without effort. There is no need to question. But when you are unsure, you start asking yourself things like whether you are following the right dream, career path, or partner. While this may seem daunting, there are signs to look for that will help your answer these questions.

Things Start to Align

When things just seem to fall into place, it is a good sign that you are headed toward the right path. Needed money just seems to come from an unexpected source. People enter your life supporting your efforts. It is almost like the universe is sending you what you need to help you. This could be just a coincidence, but if it is working, there is no need to question it.

You Don’t Care What Other People Think

When things are flowing smoothly, there is no need to question what other people think. You don’t need anyone’s confirmation that what you are doing is right because you feel it in your heart already. That does not mean you won’t seek opinions and assistance from mentors or people you trust, but you will not need affirmation of what you are doing. If anyone criticizes your choices, you can easily dismiss them.

Motivation Comes Easily

When you are on the right path, you will find that energy and motivation come easily. You are proud of what you are accomplishing and love to tell others about it. You sleep soundly and wake up in the morning with vigor to get started on your day. This is a good sign that you on the right track.

Time Flies By

When you look up and see that hours have passed and you haven’t noticed time flying by, it is a good indicator that you are doing fulfilling work that comes from your soul. There is no drudgery to get through the day. In fact, the work invigorates you. It is almost like going into a creative reverie where a whole day flashes by and you are energized for more.

Less Stress

When you are so engaged in what you are doing and it generates feelings of joy rather than stress, you know you are on the right track. Even if you are multi-tasking, you feel motivated, not exhausted. You know how miserable it feels to be mentally and physically stressed out. However, if you are doing something you love that pumps you up and energizes you, it increases your drive and excites you.

There is No Need to Compromise

If you are on the right path in life, there is no need to feel that you have to compromise. You are not doing anything that will make you feel the need to apologize for it or regret it. There is confidence in your decisions and actions and no need for excuses. Your morals are intact.

You Feel Healthy

If you are feeling miserable and stressed, things like anxiety, gastric problems, headaches, and insomnia will incur resulting in a weakened immune system. On the reverse side, low stress means a healthier immune system resulting in the ability to fight off disease. If what you are pursuing in life is making you feel healthy and strong, then you have the sign that you are on the right path.

The right path is different for each individual. Sometimes directions can change and there is no restriction that says you can’t change with it. But if you find that you are questioning everything and feeling stressed, it is red flag that you should definitely consider an alternate path. Life is too short to be miserable.

