How to Stay Happy and Healthy During the Holiday Season

Tonia DeCosimo
3 min readNov 27, 2019

The holidays are a stressful time for most people. While the busy routine of our daily lives continues, the holidays then add a new layer of responsibilities and activities that take up our time, finances and emotional energy. Some of these new tasks and events are enjoyable, while others are simply draining. There are some strategies for maintaining your sanity during this pressured time of year.

Avoid Over Scheduling Yourself

Using a calendar or agenda to write down all your holiday commitments enables you to physically see and keep track of what you already have scheduled. Be vigilant about not overbooking yourself and give yourself permission to let some things go. There is no need to try to pack a year’s worth of socializing into a few weeks. Create new traditions and spread out socializing into January or early February. Also, schedule some downtime for yourself. Carve out a half hour to stop and visit your favorite coffee spot, make the time to walk outside to look at the neighborhood decorations, or take some time to watch your favorite holiday movie by yourself. Looking forward to that personal time will help keep you in a positive mindset.

Lower Your Expectations

There is no need to strive for perfection with each holiday task or event. Not every gift has to be a show-stopper and the party does not have to look like something Martha Stewart put together. Good enough is okay! Recognize that people in your life are who they are. No one magically changes their personality for the holidays. Be realistic about who they are and what your relationship is like with them the rest of the year. Let go of the idea that you can change someone and find constructive ways to deal with their impact on you. Focus your time and energy on those people who you enjoy and whose presence makes you happy.

Stick to a Budget

The financial stress of the holidays can make you wish you could skip the whole season completely. Set up a gift spending budget that fits within your finances and stick to it! Expensive store-bought gifts are not the only way to express love to our friends and family. Homemade gifts are often more meaningful than something that comes from a store. Food items and crafts make wonderful gifts as does just spending quality time with someone we love.

Feel Grateful

Being grateful for something everyday has amazing physical and mental health benefits. Simply have an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for what you have. If you have all the things needed in life such as food, shelter, and health you are blessed. Instead of keeping track of who gave you what gift, or what was spent, concentrate on the thought, since it is the thought that counts.

Take Care of Yourself

While it is important to care of yourself all year round, it is especially important to get enough sleep, to eat right and get some exercise every day during stressful times. Not only will you be more relaxed and alert, but it will keep you from getting too run down and sick, since the holidays tends to coincide with the flu season. There is nothing worse than trying to shop in hot and crowded stores and attend parties when you feel lousy. Be aware of your limitations regarding alcohol and overindulging in sweets. Moderation will ensure you can enjoy without regrets the next day.

The holiday season may be busy, but it doesn’t have to drive us crazy. By following these guidelines, you can make it through to 2020 feeling happy, healthy and with your peace of mind intact.

